Chilly In July

What a difference a year can make.  In early July of 2012, we were dealing with a drought, and triple-digit temperatures forced Leive and I to take refuge in the basement. This year we’re getting more rain that usual, enough to get us concerned about house leaks again, and since Saturday the daytime temperature have only gotten up to the 70s and low 80s.  I even felt a bit of a chill when it rained this afternoon.  Who’d have thought that would happen in the middle of summer?

Meanwhile you’ve probably heard about the record heat in places like Death Valley, and how a blaze in Arizona killed nineteen firemen.  It has long amazed me how we can have a big chill/freeze on one side of the Rockies, and unusually warm temperatures on the other side.  This is especially obvious in the winter, when it can be cold in the east and hot in the west at the same time, or vice-versa.

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