The Geico Gecko’s Co-Worker Is Dumber Than A Neanderthal

You may have heard the news story from last week, which reported that the fellow who did the voice-overs on the Geico commercials was fired, after that auto insurance company learned he had called FreedomWorks, a Tea Party group, and left an offensive message about the group being full of mentally retarded killers.  Let this be a lesson in how political extremism can make otherwise normal people act stupid.  Here’s the story, in case you missed it:

Lawrence O’Donnell Defends GEICO Voice-over Actor Who Called Tea Partiers Mentally Retarded Killers

Besides the gecko with an Australian accent, Geico has also run ads in recent years featuring laptop-using Neanderthals, and they complain about the slogan for the company’s website: “It’s so easy, a caveman could do it!”  Well, now we ought to add a clause to the beginning of that slogan, so it reads:  “Acting like a butthead; it’s so easy, a caveman could do it!”

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