No Political Party Represents Me

“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you.” – from a song with the same name by Stealer’s Wheels, 1972

I don’t talk as much about American politics as many other bloggers do, in part because I moved last year, and still don’t know much about the local politicians yet. Kentucky is having a gubernatorial election this year, and because the current governor, Ernie Fletcher, is seen as beatable, there are seven Democrats and three Republicans in the race. Except for Governor Fletcher, however, they’re nothing but names to me, and since I’ve had a good year since I arrived, I may just vote to re-elect him. Also, if you’ve read my other posts, you know I have more interest in what’s happening abroad; I have commented elsewhere that I’m trying to build a new life in Kentucky with a Florida body and a Middle Eastern mind.

Anyway, last Friday I saw a book with a title that sums up my political views perfectly: “Crazies to the Left of Me, Wimps to the Right: How One Side Lost Its Mind and the Other Lost Its Nerve,” by Bernard Goldberg. Like me, Goldberg feels that the Republicans are too weak, and the Democrats are too loony. The former deserved to lose in last year’s election, but the latter did not deserve to win.

In 2005, I wrote two articles blasting the major parties. First I wrote “Circling the Drain: The Death of the Democratic Party”, and then when I saw victorious Republicans acting like “Girlymen” and “Democrats Lite,” I wrote “What Happened to the Republican Party?” Now it’s 2007, and the views I expressed there haven’t changed. In Florida I had been a registered Republican since 1984, but when I registered to vote here, I did so as an independent. I guess that makes me an “Independent Conservative,” like Michael Savage. Will somebody tell me when a political party comes along that truly represents the Neo-Conservative view?

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