Harry Reid Takes Credit For Saving the World

Oh, the arrogance of career politicians! I told you about some of the other dumb stuff that scoundrel Harry Reid said, like when he claimed he is glad the Capitol now has a special tourist center because visitors stink in the summer (see my message from December 3, 2008).  Now look what he is claiming now.

If there ever was a year when we had a compelling argument for term limitation, it is this year.  On November 2, vote to re-elect nobody.  This goes for both the Moonbat Party and the RINO Party (see the pictures below).  Nobody on Capitol Hill at this time is part of the solution; they are all part of the problem.  I dare anyone to challenge my assertion that you could open a telephone book, randomly pick 535 names out of it, and get a Congress that does a better job than the one we have now. Or maybe we should outsource to India for our Congress, as Michael Savage once suggested.

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